• Lucem Partners keeps things really simple. We are here to create foundational content that showcases the “ground floor of your business”. (Who? What? Why? How?)

    We ask 8-10 questions in a recorded Foundational FAQ Interview on Zoom. After the recording, we edit, export, and transcribe the recording.

    All the content created can be used in a variety of ways, but the primary focus is to use this audio/text on your website (FAQ Page).

  • Lucem Partners is a perfect fit for B2B business owners who don't currently have an FAQ Page on their website. The foundational content created by Lucem Partners is ideal for creating, reclarifying, and/or updating FAQ Pages on websites.

    We typically work really well with Fractional Executives (CXO) and Professional Services Business Owners (Finance, Human Resources, IT, Legal)

    If you are curious about working with us, please feel free to email andrew@lucempartners.com

  • First ask yourself… Do you have your FAQs shared on your website? If not, let’s talk!

    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) provide the core foundational answers to the common concerns, inquires, and objections associated with your business. Having FAQs on your website is where prospective customers and referral partners can delve into the finer details of your services offered and be more clear on the overall experience of working with you.

    It’s all about making sure that you’re being understood!

  • First and foremost, the content we create together should be utilized for creating, reclarifying, and/or updating your FAQs on your website.

    However, you can use all the audio and text that we capture anywhere you'd like! (Articles, Blog, LinkedIn, Newsletter, etc.)